Selasa, 13 September 2011

Degree of Comparison

Observe these sentences:
1. Rhinoceros is a big animal.(positive form)
2. Rhinoceros is bigger than a dog.(comparative form)
3. The elephant is the biggest of all.(superlative form)
Comparative form
1.Bombi is taller than Ana but shorter than Maya.
2.Television is more expensive tha radio.
 Superlative form
1.The Raflessia is the widest flower in the world.
2.The bird of paradise is the most beautiful bird.

Degree of comparison form.
Adjective of one syllable
Positive            Comparative             Superlative
   hot                         hotter                            hottest
   easy                       easier                            easiest
   old                         older                             oldest
   wise                       wiser                             wisest
Adjective of two syllables
Positive            Comparative             Superlative
   clever                     cleverer                           cleverest
   happy                     happier                            happiest
   lazy                         lazier                                 laziest
Adjective more than two syllables
Positive            Comparative                Superlative
colorful                 more colorful                    most colorful
interesting           more interesting              most interesting
Positive              Comparative                  Superlative
   good                           better                                      best
   bad                             worse                                      worst
   far                               further                                    furthest
Exercise 1
Fill in the blank with the correct form
    Positive              Comparative                Superlative
1.    young                   .............                           ...........
2.    .........                  more expensive                 ...........
3.    .........                   ............                            thinnest
4.   lazy                       ............                            ..........
5.    .........                   ............                            hardest
6.   ..........                   ............                            most beautiful
7.   sweet                    ............                            ............
8.   ..........                   easier                               ............
9.   .........                    better                               ............
10. handsome              ..........                             .............

Complete the sentences below with the right form.
1.  Your house is (near) than I thought.
2.  The cow is one and half meters in height. The elephant is one meter and
     seven hundreds centimeters. The cow is (short) than the elephant.
3.  A donkey (beautiful) than a horse.
4.  Titin's English test is (bad) , but her brother's English test is the .... in their
5.  Tuti's house is 5 km from school. Dodi's house is 2 km, so Tuti's house is
     ...... than Dodi's house.
6.  The weather is (comfortable) here. I'd like to stay here.
7.  Irfan's weight is 60 kg. He is fat.Alfin is 50 kg So Irfan is (light) than Alfin.
8.  Apples are (cheap) than oranges.
9.  My brother is (hard) working than me.
10.There are three divers. They are Mr. Jack, Mr. Brown and Mr. Black.
     Mr. Black never gets an accident. He is the (careful) driver. Mr. Brown
     often  gets an accident, he is (careless) driver than Mr. Jack, because
     Mr. Jack always gets an accident.

Exercise 3.
Complete the following sentences using the comparative forms of the following adjectives.
1.   These chickens are too small. We need ....ones.
2.   The horse in the zoo looks..... Has he lost some weight?
3.   He's got more money for the cow that he sold, so he is
4.   The zoo looks, there is no more garbage in almost every corner of
      of the zoo
5.   The chimpanzee has learned how to ride one-wheeled cycle many times.
       Now she can ride it .....

Adjectives - Comparison - Exercise 1

Explanation: Comparison of adjectives
Fill in the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives.

Example: new - _____ - _______

Answer: new - newer - newest

1) old - -
2) bad - -
3) difficult - -
4) large - -
5) good - -
6) big - -
7) easy - -
8) much - -
9) little - -
10) interesting - -   

Adjectives - Comparison - Exercise 2

Explanation: Comparison of adjectives
Fill in all the gaps with the correct forms of the adjectives.

Example: ____ - newer - _______

Answer: new - newer - newest

1) - longer -
2) - - worst
3) modern - -
4) - - nicest
5) - - nearest
6) - - flattest
7) popular - -
8) - happier -
9) many - -
10) - - cleverest         

Adjectives - Comparison - Exercise 3

Explanation: Comparison of adjectives
Fill in the missing words into the gaps. Mind the first two words in each task.

1) strong - stronger; good -
2) coldest - colder; happiest -
3) nice - nicer; bad -
4) angry - angrier; much -
5) more boring - boring; sunnier -
6) more interesting - most interesting; worse -
7) hard - hardest; new -
8) most expensive - expensive; cleanest -
9) fast - fastest; old -
10) shortest - short; most difficult -               

Comparison of adjectives in sentences - Exercise 1

Explanation: Comparison of adjectives
Put in the adjective in bold from the first sentence into the second sentence in its correct form (comparative or superlative).

Example: I have a fast car, but my friend has a ______ car.

Answer: I have a fast car, but my friend has a faster car.

1) This is a nice cat. It's much than my friend's cat.
2) Here is Emily. She's six years old. Her brother is nine, so he is .
3) This is a difficult exercise. But the exercise with an asterisk (*) is the exercise on the worksheet.
4) He has an interesting hobby, but my sister has the hobby in the world.
5) In the last holidays I read a good book, but father gave me an even one last weekend.
6) School is boring, but homework is than school.
7) Skateboarding is a dangerous hobby. Bungee jumping is than skateboarding.
8) This magazine is cheap, but that one is .
9) We live in a small house, but my grandparents' house is even than ours.
10) Yesterday John told me a funny joke. This joke was the joke I've ever heard.

Comparison of adjectives in sentences - Exercise 2

Explanantion: Comparison of adjectives
Put in the adjective from the first sentences into the second sentence in its correct form (comparative or superlative).

Example: I have a fast car, but my friend has a ______ car.

Answer: I have a fast car, but my friend has a faster car.

1) My father is heavy. My uncle is much than my father.
2) The test in Geography was easy, but the test in Biology was .
3) Florida is sunny. Do you know the place in the USA?
4) Stan is a successful sportsman, but his sister is than Stan.
5) My mother has a soft voice, but my teacher's voice is than my mother's.
6) Amy has a beautiful baby, but my daughter has the baby on earth.
7) I live in a large family, but my grandfather lived in a family.
8) We have only little time for this exercise, but in the examination we'll have even time.
9) Lucy is clever, but Carol is than Lucy.
10) Have you visited the old castle? It was the castle we visited during our holidays.          

Comparison of adjectives with -er and -est - Exercise

Comparison of adjectives
Fill in the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives. Use the endings -er and -est.

1) young
2) short
3) cheap
4) small
5) dark
6) long
7) warm
8) sweet
9) big
10) nice                 

Comparison of the English adjectives with -er and -est - Exercise

Comparison of adjectives
Fill in the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives. Use the endings -er and -est. Watch the spelling.

1) cold
2) fast
3) hot
4) easy
5) tall
6) low
7) pretty
8) strange
9) quiet
10) spicy                  

Comparison of adjectives with as ... as

Explanation: Comparison with as ... as
Use either as … as or not as … as in the sentecnes below.

Example: Ben Nevis is __________ as Mont Blanc (not/high).

Answer: Ben Nevis is not as high as Mont Blanc.

1) The blue car is the red car. (fast)
2) Peter is Fred. (not/tall)
3) The violin is the cello. (not/low)
4) This copy is the other one. (bad)
5) Oliver is Peter. (optimistic)
6) Today it's yesterday. (not/windy)
7) The tomato soup was the mushroom soup. (delicious)
8) Grapefruit juice is lemonade. (not/sweet)
9) Nick is Kevin. (brave)
10) Silver is gold. (not/heavy)

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