Rabu, 14 September 2011

Adverbs of manner

The bold-typed  words above are called adverbs of manner.
Here are some other examples.
Find the meanings of the bold-typed words in the following sentences.
1.   Mr. Indra drives his car slowly.
2.   The students study in the class seriously.
3.   Ratih walks into the teacher's room hurriedly.
4.   Ms. Inneke always explains the lesson clearly.
5.   Leo and his friends pay attention to their teacher carefully.
6.   The rescue team could evacuate many people from the flood safely.
7.   Look! Riko rides his bike fast.
8.   Kurniawan kicks the ball hard.
9.   The students follow the lesson enthusiastically.
10. Sony is listening to every word of the story intently.

Translate to Indonesian of the following sentences.
1.   It usually rains heavily during the wet season.
2.   Pandu proudly told his friends that he has a new hand phone.
3.   Don't walk too fast.
4.   Deni and his brother removed the sticker carelessly.
5.   Mary and her team explained the procedure of how to recycle paper
6.  The girls study diligently in order to prepare themselves for the test
     next week.
7.   Riko laughs happily when he sees his grandparents coming.
8.   Ratih tenderly kissed her baby cousin on the forehead.
9.   Please give this letter directly to Mr. Sofyan.
10.  Write your report neatly.

Fill in the blanks with suitable adverbs of manner below.
a.  gracefully    b.  strongly   c.  clearly    d.  sharply     e.  perfectly    f.  softly  
g.  hard     h.  patiently    i.  loudly     j.  nervously     k.  fast    l.  beautifully

1.   Agus tells the procedure of making a paper plane .....
2.   Psst! Speak ...., please. Grandma is sleeping, otherwise you'll wake her up.
3.   People are waiting to get their tickets .....
4.   Look! This girl was one of the victims of the tsunami. She survived because
      she .... held  a log of teak wood. Amazing.
5.   Don't scratch that rubber- like design ..... You'll peel it off.
6.   Please sharpen the knife .... because I want to use it to cut the meat.
7.   Why did you give your work to Mr. Kesuma ...? Couldn't you do it?
8.   Fantastic! Those dancers move their body ..... We do not even blink.
9.   "Good job, children! You did a good job decorating this room ....
      I am very proud of you," said Mr. Indra to Ratih and Rico.
10. Tagor typed his report about how to make tofu or soy  bean curd ....

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