Senin, 19 September 2011

Descritive text


 A.     Read the text.

          One of the most interesting animals in the zoo is the giraffe. This is the giraffe
we saw at the zoo. It is male and it is about six meters tall.
          The giraffe has big brown eyes. They are protected by very thick lashes. This 
giraffe has brown spots on the skin. This coloring helps protect the giraffe. It also 
has two short horns on its head.
          Like a camel, it can go for a long time without drinking water. One source of
water is the leaves which it eats from trees. It is tall, so the giraffe can reach the 
tender leaves at the top of a tree.
          The giraffe has two methods of self protection. If something frightens an adul
giraffe, it can gallop away at about fifty kilometers per hour or stay to fight with its
strong legs.

Complete the following sentences based on the text.

  1.       A good tittle for the text is ….
    1. A small African animal
    2. Giraffe and Camel
    3. The tallest animal at the zoo
    4. An interesting animal

  1.      The word ‘gallop’ in the last sentence means ….
            a.   run
                b.   protect
            c.   fight
            d.   walk

3.         From the description, we may conclude that the giraffe ….
            a.   need more water than camels
            b.   eat tree leaves for water
            c.   do not need much water
            d.   need water and not need leaves

  1.      A giraffe is about …. meters tall.
    1. two
    2. three
    3. four
    4. six

      5.        The giraffe has two methods of self protection. One  of them is ….
a.   looking for other giraffes
b.   staying to fight with its strong legs
c.   hiding in a certain place
d.   staying and doing nothing

B.       Read the text

Cibodas Botanic Garden

    Cibodas Botanic Garden is situated 1300-1425 meters high on the slopes of Mount
Gede-Pangrango. It contains beautiful mountain scenery with impressive views across the Cipanas valley of West Java.
    The garden covers about 125 hectares of wavy surface area, with large grassy expanses, rocky coniferous areas and valleys filled with tree ferns and waterfalls. Cibodas Botanic Garden is a popular recreational center for The Greater Jakarta area as well as a research station for students and scientists studying tropical montane flora.
    The Garden currently maintains a collection of 5831 living speciments from 1206 species. It also maintains a herbarium and seed museum for research, development and conservation purposes. The 4521 herbarium speciments from 1503 species consist of those collected from the Garden and from the Gede-Pangrango National Park which annexed to the Garden. The 649 species in the seed museum are used as a reference for seed identification.
    Facilities such as a guest house, library and nursery are available for scientists, research workers and students who wish to study the Garden and the mountain flora of Mount Gede-Pangrango.

Choose the best answer based on the text above.

1.        Cibodas Botanic Garden is located in ….
           a.   West Sumatra
           b.   West Java
           c.   East Java
           d.   Greater Jakarta

2.        The land area of the Garden ….
            a.   flat
            b.   round
            c.   wavy
            d.   square

  1.      What are the purposes of the herbarium and seed museum ?
    1. for research, development and conservation
    2. for recreation or leisure
    3. for protection of the plants
    4. for maintaining the distinct species
  2.     “It contains beautiful mountain scenary with impressive views across ….”
           The synonym of the word in italics is ….
    1. boring
    2. large
    3. distant
    4. exciting

  1.      Which of the following are not available in the garden ?
    1. hospital
    2. nursery
    3. library
    4. guest house

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