Minggu, 28 Agustus 2011


Secangkir susu & Sepotong roti
Pada malam yang pekat, ada seorang pemuda sedang berlari di tengah hujan badai.Ia kemudian berteduh pada teras sebuah rumah. Kemudian ia beristirahat. Tubuhnya dingin dan merasa lelah.
Tak lama kemudian empunya rumah keluar, perempuan setengah baya. Melihat ada empunya rumah, pemuda tadi cepat-cepat mohon ijin dengan sopan. "Maaf, Bu. Saya hanya numpang berteduh. Mohon Ibu mengijinkan."
Perempuan itu menganggukan kepala dan tersenyum bijak, lalu bergegas masuk  ke rumah.Tak lama berselang ia menghampiri pemuda tadi dengan membawa secangkir susu hangat dan sepotongg roti.
"Nak, ini ada secangkir susu dan sepotong roti untuk menghangatkan perutmu. Itu makanan yang ibu punya," kata perempuan pemilik rumah. Agak malu-malu, pemuda itu menghabiskannya. Begitu perutnya terisi, ia merasakan tubuhnya terasa hangat dan badannya terasa segar.
Tahun pun berganti. Pada suatu hari, pada sebuah rumah sakit kota besar, ada seorang perempuan tua sedang ditandu karena kondisi yang kritis akibat penyakitnya. Untuk menyelamatkan nyawa perempuan tua itu, dokter rumah sakit memutuskan melakukan tindakan operasi.
Beberapa hari kemudian, setelah selesai menjalani operasi, perempuan tua itu terlihat tidak tenang karena memikirkan biaya operasi.
"Bagaimana aku bisa membayarnya?" tanyanya dalam hati. Ia memberanikan diri bertanya kepada seorang perawat tentang biaya pengobatannya.
Tak lama kemudian, sang perawat kembali mendatanginya sambil membawa sepucuk surat. Perempuan tua itu lalu membaca surat itu, sesekali melihat ke arah perawat tadi.
" Ibu yang baik. Perkenalkan saya adalah dokter kepala yang mengoperasi dan merawat ibu. Ibu tidak perlu khawatir tentang biaya. Seluruh biaya pengobatan telah saya lunasi. Ini sebagai tanda terima kasih saya atas pemberian secangkir susu dan sepotong roti yang pernah ibu berikan dahulu. Saya adalah pemuda yang pernah berteduh di teras rumah ibu.Semoga Tuhan memberi kesehatan dan umur panjang kepada ibu."
Selesai membaca surat itu, meneteslah air matanya, terharu bercampur lega.Perempuan tua itu tak pernah menyangka bahwa perbuatan yang dianggap kecil dan tanpa pamrih yang pernah dilakukan pada masa silam, ternyata membuahkan kebaikan yang tidak terkira. Bukan hanya jiwanya terselamatkan , tapi seluruh biaya pengobatannya telah dilunasi.
Para pembaca budiman, 
Kisah ini mengajarkan kepada kita akan pentingnya berbuat baik, sekecil apapun.
Ada kata mutiara,"orang yang berbuat baik, walau rezeki belum tiba, tetapi bencana telah menjauhinya".Kata - kata mutiara itu menunjukan bahwa keberuntungan bisa diciptakan dan dimiliki oleh siapapun. Namun keberuntungan tidak muncul tiba-tiba, melainkan  melalui sebab-sebab yang kita ciptakan. 
Salah satu pengundang keberuntungan adalah perbuatan baik kepada sesama. Jika perbuatan baik dapat menghindarkan kita dari mara bahaya, berarti perbuatan baik pasti membawa keberuntungan. Sebaliknya, perbuatan zalim sudah pasti menutup pintu-pintu rezeki, dan cepat atau lambat pasti mendataangkan bencana.
Mari kita bersihkan hati dan jauhi niat-niat melakukan perbuatan jahat, tidak menyenangkan, menyakiti orang lain, merendahkan harga diri dan martabat orang lain.
Setiap kali adaa hasrat atau pikiran tak terkendali yang mengarah pada perbuaatan jahat, ingatlah selalu kalimat ini:
"Orang yang suka berbuat jahat akan dijauhi rezeki dan didekati bencana, sementara orang yang suka berbuat baik dijauhi bencana dan didekati rezeki."

Senin, 15 Agustus 2011

Reading Comprehension, Grade IX

Read the passage carefully.


       Today plastics have become important parts in modern life. Most of things around us contain plastics, or are made of plastics. Our blankets are made of nylon, a kind of plastics. The carpet is made of plastics. The ballpoints  or pens we write with are made of plastics. The pans and pots we use to cook with, the toys the children play with, even the cars people drive, all have important plastics components. Do you work or plat with a computer? Some components of your computer are made of plastics.
       Plastics have some advantages. They are relatively cheap to produce. Some plastics are made hard as stone and strong as steel. Some plastics are produced transparent as glass, light as wood, and elastics as rubber. Plastics are also produced in almost any colors. They are lightweight, waterproof, and chemical resistant.
       However, plastics also have some disadvantages. When they are burned, some plastics produced poisonous smoke. Although  certain plastics are designed to withstand temperatures as high as 288 degree Celcius, in general plastics  are not used in extremely hot condition. The worst thing is that are not easily broken  down into simpler components because of their molecular stability. As result, plastics can cause soil or water pollution.

Vocabulary Building
1.   have become important parts         = ..............
2.   most of things around us                 = .............
3.   contain plastics                               = ..............
4.   our blankets                                   = ..............
5.   we write with                                 = ...............
6.   we use to cook with                       = ................
7.   the toys the children play with          = ...............
8.   the cars people drive                       = ...............
9.   have some advantages                     = ...............
10. ralatively cheap to produce              = ...............
11. plastics are made hard as stone        = ...............
12. transparent as glass                          = ...............
13. light as wood                                   = ................
14. have some disadvantages                 = ................
15. when they are burned                      = .................
16.produce poisonous smoke                = .................
17. not used in extremely hot condition   = ...............
18. the worst thing                                 = .................
19. as result                                           = ................
20. cause soil or water pollution             = ................

Answer the following questions.
1.   Why are plastics important for modern life?
2.   Look around you. What is made of plastics?
3.   What are the advantages of plastics?
4.   What are the disadvantages of plastics?
5.   Why can plastics cause soil or water pollution?

Selasa, 09 Agustus 2011

The Poem

Number One Teacher

I'm happy that you're my teacher
I enjoy each lesson you teach
As my role model you inspire me
 To dream and to work and to reach
With your kindness you get my attention
Every day you are planting a seed
Of curiosity and motivation
To know and to grow and succeed
You help me fulfill my potential
I'm thankful for all that you've done
I admire you each day, and I just want to say
As a teacher, you're my number one

Senin, 08 Agustus 2011

Passive Voice in Past Tense

Look at the following sentences.
  • Printing machines were invented in 1450.
  • News was spread verbally or in written letters.
  • The house was built in 1995.
  • Some computers were stolen last night.
We use the passive voice when we want to focus on the person or thing affected by the action in the past, rather than on the 'doer' of the action.

We use : was/were + past participle ( verb3 ) to form the past passive

Practice 1.
Change following sentences into passive.
Number one is done for you.
1.   People built this hotel in 1998.
      This hotel was built in 1998.
2.   An artist painted this picture last year.
3.   The ancient Egyptian built the Pyramids from about 2630 BC until
      about 1530 BC.
4.   The Norman invaded England in 1066.
5.   The ancient Javanese built Borobudur in the 9th century.
6.   Alexamder Graham Bell invented telephone in 1876.
7.   People manufactured these computers in Malaysia.
8.   Some people redecorated the office last night.
9.   Somebody burnt the trees in the back yard yesterday.
10. The Wright brothers flew the first heavier than air plane in 1903.

Practice 2.
Complete the following News with the right forms of passive.

Here is the News.
Last night, two houses (damaged) were damaged by a landslide. Fortunetly, nobody (kill) 1)...... Four people (injure) 2) ......and  (take) 3) ......to the nearest hospital. All of them (release) 4) ......this morning after they (treat) 5) ......by the doctors. A group of soldiers (order) 6) ......to help local people fix the broken buildings. - JP

Amateur Designer's Show.
In Bandung yesterday, some fashion (show) 1) ......to the special audience. The clothes (design) 2) ......by young designers from some fashion schools in Bandung, Menado and Medan. These designers (choose) 3) ..... by their teachers, and  their clothes (wear) 4) .....by the candidates of Indonesian top model competition. The Minister Of Education (invite) 5) ......to attend this event. - JP

Sabtu, 06 Agustus 2011

Passive Voice in Present Tense

Look at the following sentences:
  • The carpet is made of plastic.
  • Plastics are produced in Indonesia.
  • The book is printed in Medan.
We use the Passive Voice when we want to focus on the person
or thing affected by the action, rather than  on the 'doer' of the action.
      We use be + past participle ( Verb3 ) to form the sentence.

Practice 1.
Complete the sentences using  the right form of  present passive.
Number one is done for you.
1.   Cars are produced in Japan. ( produce )
2.   Many different languages .... in India. ( speak )
3.   All kinds of food .... in supermarket. ( sell )
4.   In Bali, notices .... in Indonesian and English. ( Write )
5.   Football .... in most coutries in the world. ( play )
6.   This book .... by Erlangga. ( publish )
7.   Every five years, a new president .... ( elect )
8.   The homework ..... on Monday mornings. ( collect )
9.   Electricity .... by power station. ( generate )
10. Cartoon films ....on TV every afternoon. ( show )

Practice 2.
Change the sentences into passive.
Number one is done for you.
1.   We celebrate our Independence Day on 17th August.
      Our Independence  Day is  celebrated on 17th august.
2.   Farmers grow rice in the rice field.
3.   Air pollution causes health problems.
4.   People speak Arabic in Egypt.
5.   A robot operates the machine.
6.   They clean this house every week.
7.   A technician checks this computer every week.
8.   We put the food in the refrigerator.
9.   The students attend the study club on Wednesday.
10. The soldiers guard the buildings.

Practce 3.
Complete the sentences using one of these verbs in the correct form.

cover    show     cause     paint      make     translate      employ     cut

1.   Many accident .... by dangerous driving
2.  Cheese ...... from milk.
3.   A cinema is a place where films ....
4.   Two hundred people ....by the company.
5.   The park .....completely by snow in winter.
6    The books ..... into English.
7.   The grass .....frequently.
8.   The house .... blue.

Practice 4.
Change these active sentences into passive sentences.
1.   Eva invites me.
2.   My father plays the guitar.
3.   Gina and Tina do their home works.
4.   Jane closes the door.
5.   I help Gina.
6.   The printer prints my document.
7.   Olivia writes a biography book.
8.   The teacher explains the lesson.
9.   Ahmad prepares the party.
10. A horse pulls the farmer's wagon.

Practice 5.
Complete these active sentences with correct be (is, am, are).
1.   The door ...... opened by Jean.
2.   The window ........closed by Sam.
3.   The documents ......... printed with the printer.
4.   I ........invited by Gina.
5.   The order .........taken by the waiter.
6.   Eva .......called by her mother.

Practice 6.
Rearrange these jumbled words to make a passive sentence.
1.   is - Eva's - stolen - wallet - a thief - by
2.   Azis - brochures - are - the - sent - by
3.   publisher - the - are - published - by - books - the
4.   waiters - served - customers - by - are - waitresses - and
5.   taught - Jaja - that - is - by - Prof - course
6.   news - I - surprised - am - by - the

Jumat, 05 Agustus 2011

Conjunction : not only ... but also

Pay attention to these sentences.
1.   a. Mr. Andi is diligent.
      b. He is clever.
     =   Mr. Andi is not only diligent but also clever.

2.   a. I like meatball.
      b. I like burger.
     =   I like not only meatball but also burger.

Look at the examples. Then do the exercises.
  • In Prambanan Temple you will not only see the Ramayana performance but also enjoy the full moonlight.
Join the sentences using not only ....but also
1.   I like fried chicken and hamburger.
2.   He went to Surabaya and Malang.
3.   The driver broke the traffic regulation and had accident.
4.   My aunt lost her wallet and her money.
5.   After heavy rain the street became muddy and slippery.
6.   That man is deaf and mute.
7.   The telephone is urgent and usseful.
8.   That beautiful girl can dance and sing.