Jumat, 16 September 2011

Question Taq

Pay attention to this dialogue.
Teacher  :  Tomorrow is Sunday, isn't it?
                    What will you do?
Andi       :   I'll just stay at home.
                     We will face the test soon, won't we?
Teacher  :  Right.
                     So, you must study hard, mustn't you?

Study these sentences.
1.   Tomorrow is Sunday, isn't it?
2.   We will face the test, won't we?
3.   You must study hard, mustn't you?

These are some more example of the question taq.
1.   Bowe beat Holly, didn't he?
2.   Let's go to the library, shall we?
3.   Open your book on page 10, won't you?
4.   Ants are insects, aren't they?
5.   I am an Indonesian, aren't I?
6.   He never comes late, does he?

1.   The sentences above  has taq questions.
2.   A taq question consits of : Auxiliary + Subject ( Pronoun)
3.   It is used to agree the statement.
4.   The form of taq question is the opposite of the statement.
      *   It's Sunny, isn't it?
      *   It's not cloudy, is it?

Task 1.
Complete these sentences with the right taq questions.
1.   Sunday is a holiday, .......?
2.   Cows eat grass, ..........?
3.   Don't swim in the sea, ........?
4.   I have never gone to Bali, ........?
5.   Parrots can speak, .........?
6.   Semarang has many interesting places, ........?
7.   The teacher was sick yesterday, .........?
8.   This is my watch, ...........?
9.   Anton saw the accident, ...........?
10. I am pale, .........?

Task 2.
For each of the following statements, add a suitable question taq.
1.   The stage wasn't broken, .........?
2.   Broadway is in New York, ........?
3.   He doesn't know how to play harpa, ..........?
4.   They have seen that film, ..........?
5.   An actor can write a script, ..........?
6.   The children weren't absent, .........?
7.   The director made a great movie, .........?
8.   your mother likes Shakespeare story, .........?
9.   She didn't have a ticket for that play, .........?
10. Your sister hasn't finished her art course, .........?

Task 3.
Supply the correct question taqs.
1.   Yudha writes a letter to his pen pal this morning, ........?
2.   Don't sit on the bench, .........?
3.   The students have studied in the classroom since 7.00 o'clock this
      morning, ...........?
4.   My mother likes to make chocolate cake, ...........?
5.   Tania must do this home work now, ...........?
6.   My uncle didn't have enough money to buy a new motorcycle, ..........?
7.   He has no time to watch TV, .............?
8.   There are many flowers in the garden, .............?
9.   I will invite my classmate in  my birthday party, ............?
10. They won't bring mobile phone to school, ............?

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