Jumat, 23 September 2011


will-future, statements - Exercise

Explanation: will-future
Put in the verbs in brackets into the gaps and form sentences. Use the will-future.

Example: The weather ______ nice at the weekend. (to be)

Answer: The weather will be nice at the weekend.

1) Tomorrow it in the north-west. (to rain)
2) My friend 12 next Monday. (to be)
3) Hey John! Wait a minute. I a word with you. (to have)
4) She her boss next week. (to contact)
5) I think you this job. (to get)
6) They at about 6 pm. (to arrive)
7) The teacher this exercise. (to explain)
8) He the bottle of water. (to drop)
9) Lots of accidents in that weather. (to happen)
10) She if you show her the spider. (to scream)    

Negations in the will-future - Exercise

Put in the verbs in brackets into the gaps and form negative sentences in the will-future.

Example: The rain __________ in the afternoon. (not/to stop)

Answer: The rain will not stop in the afternoon. or The rain won't stop in the afternoon.

1) Tim the teacher. (not/to tell)
2) I hope I the train to Manchester. (not/to miss)
3) She her hair green. (not/to dye)
4) He breakfast tomorrow morning. (not/to prepare)
5) The manager trees in front of the office building. (not/to plant)
6) Melissa jeans at her party. (not/to wear)
7) My friends in a city. (not/to live)
8) We about the bad weather. (not/to worry)
9) I in this lake. (not/to swim)
10) You the vase on the shelf. (not/to reach)     

Questions in the will-future - Exercise

Explanations: Questions in the will-future
Put in the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Use the will-future. Mind the word order in questions.

Example: ___ Thomas ____ marry Josephine? (to marry)

Answer: Will Thomas marry Josephine?

1) our team the match? (to win)
2) When you in Scotland? (to arrive)
3) it tomorrow? (to rain)
4) you for a moment? (to come in)
5) Where she in 2030? (to live)
6) How old your mother in July? (to be)
7) you me the salt, please? (to pass)
8) Rupert breakfast? (to make)
9) the teacher her parents? (to phone)
10) Frank 16 this year? (to turn) 

Sentences and questions in the will-future - Exercise

Explanation: will-future
Put in the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Use the will-future. Watch the punctuation and form sentences or questions.

Example: _____________ a minute. (I/to be)

Answer: I won't be a minute.

1) The meeting at 4:30 pm. (to close)
2) Prices . (to increase)
3) Phillip to come. (not/to forget)
4) Why me this book? (not/to lend)
5) , please? I don't like driving on icy roads. (you/to drive)
6) Emily was very rude to me. I her again. (not/to visit)
7) Henry his father about the accident. (not/to tell)
8) I to answer your questions. (to attempt)
9) Where is the waiter? The guests any minute. (to arrive)
10) While the cat's away, the mice . (to play)

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