Senin, 08 Agustus 2011

Passive Voice in Past Tense

Look at the following sentences.
  • Printing machines were invented in 1450.
  • News was spread verbally or in written letters.
  • The house was built in 1995.
  • Some computers were stolen last night.
We use the passive voice when we want to focus on the person or thing affected by the action in the past, rather than on the 'doer' of the action.

We use : was/were + past participle ( verb3 ) to form the past passive

Practice 1.
Change following sentences into passive.
Number one is done for you.
1.   People built this hotel in 1998.
      This hotel was built in 1998.
2.   An artist painted this picture last year.
3.   The ancient Egyptian built the Pyramids from about 2630 BC until
      about 1530 BC.
4.   The Norman invaded England in 1066.
5.   The ancient Javanese built Borobudur in the 9th century.
6.   Alexamder Graham Bell invented telephone in 1876.
7.   People manufactured these computers in Malaysia.
8.   Some people redecorated the office last night.
9.   Somebody burnt the trees in the back yard yesterday.
10. The Wright brothers flew the first heavier than air plane in 1903.

Practice 2.
Complete the following News with the right forms of passive.

Here is the News.
Last night, two houses (damaged) were damaged by a landslide. Fortunetly, nobody (kill) 1)...... Four people (injure) 2) ......and  (take) 3) the nearest hospital. All of them (release) 4) ......this morning after they (treat) 5) the doctors. A group of soldiers (order) 6) help local people fix the broken buildings. - JP

Amateur Designer's Show.
In Bandung yesterday, some fashion (show) 1) the special audience. The clothes (design) 2) young designers from some fashion schools in Bandung, Menado and Medan. These designers (choose) 3) ..... by their teachers, and  their clothes (wear) 4) the candidates of Indonesian top model competition. The Minister Of Education (invite) 5) attend this event. - JP

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