Jumat, 22 Juli 2011

Procedure Text

Procedure Text adalah teks yang bertujuan untuk memberi petunjuk tentang cara mengerjakan atau membuat sesuatu melalui serangkaian tindakan atau langkah. Struktur dari Procedure Text yaitu:
  • goal/aim (tujuan teks tersebut biasanya berbentuk judul)
  • materials (bahan-bahan atau alat yang dibutuhkan)
  • steps (langkah-langkah/cara pelaksanaan)
Ciri-ciri bahasa yang digunakan yaitu:
  • menggunakan imperative verb (kata kerja perintah)
  • menggunakan kata sambung, misalnya: first, then, after that, next, finally
Contoh-contoh Procedure Text:

Contoh 1.

Goal/Aim      :   How to make a pencil box

Materials      :   a.  an empty plastic bottle of mineral water
                        b.  a sharp cutter
                        c.  a piece of white or colorful paper
                        d.  some paint
                        e.  some glue

Steps            :   First, wash the plastic bottle.
                        Make sure it's clean when you use it.
                        Second, cut the bottle into two halves.
                        Be sure you use sharp cutter.
                        Next, wrap the bottle with a piece of white or colorful paper.
                        If you use plain paper, use paint to make drawing on it.
                        Finally, your pencil box is ready to use.

1.  What is the purpose of text text above?
2.  How many things are needed to make a pencil box?
3.  What must we do with bottle before we use it?
4.  If you use plain paper, use paint to make drawing on it."It" here refers to ...

Contoh 2.

Goal/Aim      :  How to cook chicken soup

Materials      :  1/2 kg chicken meat
                       1 1/2 teaspoon salt
                       Some carrots
                       2 tablespoon chopped parsley
                       A piece of cabbage
                       A few potatoes
                       1 teaspoon of small red onions

Steps            :  First, prepare some carrots, a piece of cabbage, a few of
                        potatoes, a piece of chicken and the spices.
                       Then, chop the chicken meat and the vegetables into small
                       After that, boil a liter of water in a good order.
                       Next, when the water boils, put the pieces of chicken meat
                       and vegetables in it, and boil it for about ten minutes.
                       Finally, add the spices and salt.
                       Chicken soup is ready to eat.

1.  What is the goal of the text?
2.  What is the purpose of the text?
3.  How many spoons of chopped parsley are needed?
4.  What is the first step to cook chicken soup?
5.  ...put the pieces of chicken meat and vegetables in it. "It" in the sentence
     refers to ...
6.  How many steps are in the text to cook chicken soup?

Vocabulary Building
1.   beat the egg                                            : .....................................
2.   boil the water                                          : ....................................
3.   grind the chilies                                       : ....................................
4.   stir the soup                                            : .....................................
5.   slice the garlic                                         : .....................................
6.   mix the eggs and sugar                            : ......................................
7.   cut up a banana into small slices              : .....................................
8.   put the cake on a plate                            : ....................................
9.   pour some honey over the bananas          : ....................................
10. put the other piece of bread on top          : ......................................
11. wash the vegetables gently                       : ....................................
12. add sugar                                                : ....................................
13. clean the garlic and slice it thinly               : ......................................
14. heat oil on a pan                                      : .......................................
15. fry the shrimps                                        : ........................................

Read the jumbled sentences below.
Rearrange the sentences in a proper order to composea TV owner's manual.
-     What if there's no picture or sound on my TV? What should I do?
-     Then,check the antenna.Perhaps  the aerial is not connected to
       terminal at the back of the TV set.
-      Next, turn off the TV, and then turn it on again after a minute.
-      But, if there is no problem with antenna, check for broken
-      Well, what you can do is a follows :
-      Third, check if the power button of the TV is off.
-      Second, check if the power wire is plugged into the
        electricity outlet.
-      But, if it doesn't work, your last solution is to take the TV
        to the repairman.
-      If the contrast setting in the picture mode might be all the
        way to the minus side, press the normal button on the remote
       control to correct.
-      First, try a new channel to check for possible station problems.
Kalimat-kalimat dari teks 'Procedure' berikut ini di susun secara acak.
Baca  teks tersebut dengan cermat, kemudian kerjakan soal.

Cooking with Rice Cooker
1.   At the same time, you can cook another meal, like vegetables.
      Put them in the steam pot.
2.   Weigh the exact amount of rice which will be poured. It should not be
      more than 4 measure cups.
3.   Plug in the cable into the electricity socket and push the cooking button.
      A red light will turn on.
4.   Wash the rice. Put in the inner pot and adjust the quantity of water.
5.   After cooking, open the cover and mingle the cooked rice for a while.
6.   We can cook rice by using electric appliance in an easy way.

1.   Urutan kalimat yang benar sehingga membentuk teks 'Procedure' yang
      baik adalah....
      a.   6 - 4 - 1 - 3 -5 - 2
      b.   6 - 2 - 4 - 1 - 3 - 5
      c.   1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6
      d.   2 - 1 - 4 - 3 - 5 - 6

2.   Kalimat yang mana yang berfungsi 'Goal' atau 'Aim'
     a.   1
     b.   3
     c.   4
     d.   6

3.   Frasa yang menunjukan dua peristiwa  yang bersamaan adalah ....
     a.   after cooking
     b.   an easy way
     c.   at the same time
     d.   for a while

4.   Kalimat yang banyak digunakan dalam teks adalah ....
     a.   imperative
     b.  statement
     c.   request
     d.   compound

5.   Teks di atas menggunakan beberapa verba memerintah?
     a.   9
     b.  10
     c.   8
     d.  11

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